
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Homework in Community Schools

The amount of homework schools assign is regulated by the Calgary Board of Education.  Homework is considered to be an extension of the projects that are worked on in the classroom environment and is usually assigned after the teacher has provided an adequate amount of time for the assignment to be completed in school. “The assignment of formal exercises for completion is the prerogative of the teacher, but every encouragement shall be given to pupils (and parents) to set aside some regular time
each evening for home study.” - Administrative Regulation 3066

The nature and amounts of home study recommended within the Calgary Board of Education's Administrative Regulation 3066 are as follows:

Kindergarten to Grade 3:
“The motivation which comes from parental interest in children's school work can be valuable to a child. Parents and teachers should encourage children to read from books suggested by the school.  Pressures can bring about negative results. No formal assignments shall be made, but from 5 to 10 minutes of systematic study per night is recommended.”

Grades 4 to 6: 
"Formal assignments may be given at the discretion of the teacher, particularly for pupils who need special attention or help, but in general, assignments should be of the reading or study type. Parents should be made aware of the teacher's general requirements with respect to home study, and the Board's expectations as set forth.   No school requirement should exceed 20 minutes in length.”
At Beddington Heights, we have listed a number of resources on our school website that can support learning and provide skills practice at: These can be utilized by parents in the home environment.  You may also find websites or resources that reinforce Math and literacy concepts on your child's homeroom teacher's on-line agenda. You are also encouraged to check the agenda daily for updates. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Lots of Information!

This week, our students should have brought home many forms in their plastic folder:

- Swimming Forms for grades 1 to 6 (due by Wednesday, September 17th)
- Digital Citizenship agreement / On-Line Agendas Acknowledgement (for grades 1 to 6) (due as soon as possible)
- Allergy Information Handout from our school nurse
- Meet the Teacher Pre-Conference Information Form for grades 1 to 6 (due by Wednesday, September 17th)
- Information about free glasses at Superstore for children 4 to 10 years of age (offer only until September 20th)

Meet the Teacher Conferences will be:
Grades 1 - 6:  
Thursday, September 18th from 3:30-7:30 and Friday, September 19th from 8:00 - noon for grades 1-6.
Thursday, September 18th and Friday, September 19th during the day & Thursday evening.

Please see our school website ( for information on the Pick-a-Time on-line conference booking system starting at 6:00 am on Monday.  We look forward to seeing you at this month's conferences!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Welcome Back Assembly

Welcome Back Assembly:

Please join us Monday morning, Sept 9th, at 10:30 a.m. for our welcome back assembly. We will be introducing our new teachers to the community, as well as welcoming back our veteran teachers. In addition, we will be introducing our new logo which is on the newly painted gym wall.  The assembly will be a short but important one as we set out to set the tone for the new school year. As always we look forward to seeing as many parents and guardians as possible so that together we continue to provide the best community learning experiences for our students. We hope to see you Tuesday.