
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

New Assistant Principal for Beddington Heights

Good bye Ms. Brinson and thanks for all you've done!

Ms. Brinson is moving on to a new Assistant Principal position at Coventry Hills School. Her last day at Beddington Heights will be Friday February 20th, 2015. You should have received a letter from Ms. Brinson that was brought home by your child  after school today.  Please check your child's home envelope if you have not received it.

Personally I would like to thank Ms. Brinson for all her support of school initiatives and her support of my work as Principal.  I would also like to take this opportunity to thank her on behalf of all the students she has developed relationship with, and those she has supported through her work as resource teacher and as Assistant Principal. I know teachers are also grateful for the help and mentoring she has provided.  Her work has demonstrated tireless commitment. She has been a cornerstone of the building and its success. We will miss her. We wish her well in her new position and will always think of her as part of our Beddington Heights family.

We are already in the process of looking to have a new Assistant Principal in place as quickly as possible. Posting of the position is expected to happen this week and together with area office I will be looking to interview potential candidates as soon as possible.

Hopefully we will have good news for you soon.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Parent Teacher Communication

A big "thanks" to all the parents who continue to be in regular contact with your child's teacher.  At Beddington Heights we appreciate your involvement in your child's education and social growth.  We strive to give you the ability to be heard, and consider you partners in providing wrap around service for your child.

Recently, we have had a number of parents coming in first thing in the morning and wanting to speak with teachers just before classes begin. We encourage you to consider booking a time to speak with teachers or come after school if you want to try to "catch" a teacher.  Mrs. Cumming or any other office staff will be happy to assist you in connecting with any of the teachers and scheduling a time to give your questions the time they deserve. This generally cannot happen first thing in the morning without an appointment as teachers are getting ready for instruction and the time needed to fully address your questions is not available.

Feel free to call us any time as well at the school office if you need to connect with us at any time.

Tell Them From Me Survey

Beddington Heights School has partnered with Alberta Education and The Learning Bar ( to survey students in Grade 4, 5 & 6 at Beddington Heights School on their level of engagement in learning, their level of student wellness and the climate of their classroom(s) and school.

The Tell Them From Me (TTFM) survey was developed by internationally renowned educational researcher Dr. Douglas Willms and is based upon years of research in Canada and around the world. Gathering student feedback through this survey will support our school’s plans for continuous improvement.

Also included in the TTFM survey are Alberta Education’s Accountability Pillar Survey questions for students. As an annual check-up on the education system, Alberta Education conducts surveys of students to gather information on the quality of education provided by Alberta school authorities and their schools. The results are provided to school authorities to inform the development of their three-year education plans and annual education results reports, and are used to evaluate performance on Accountability Pillar survey measures.

Student participation in the survey was voluntary and completely anonymous. Students were assigned a random username and password so that survey responses could not be attributed to any individual student. Grade 4, 5 & 6 students at our school participated in this survey in January.  The survey was completed on-line and was completed within the school day during regular class time.

For further information on Alberta Education’s Accountability Pillar Surveys, please contact Keith Bowen, Director, System Assurance Branch, by email at or by phone at 780-422-4750. Dial 310-000 first for toll-free access.