
Thursday, October 31, 2013


Keeping students safe when coming and going to and from school requires teamwork.  It is critical that parents follow road safety rules when driving around the school. We ask that you keep the following things in mind to help keep ALL of our students safe:

  • Drop off only in the marked areas when there is space available.  If there is not space, please circle the block, or drop students off a bit further from the school and walk with them if they are not able to walk alone.
  • Do not park or drop off students in (or between) the marked crosswalk areas.
  •  Ensure you are not doing U-turns when around the school.
  • Drive 30 km per hour or slower.
  • Only cross in the crosswalks...resist crossing in the middle of the road, even when it might me easier or more convenient.
  • Do not use the staff parking lot to pick up or drop off students.  We have cars pulling in and out at all times of the day, so students should not be near this lot.
On a regular basis, we talk with students about how to take care of themselves and others when crossing the street or getting dropped off by their parents.  As part of our ongoing work, we will be teaching our students to "Point, Pause, and Proceed" when crossing the street in marked crosswalks.  Please click here to view a short Calgary School Traffic Safety vide called "Point, Pause, Proceed".

We truly thank you with your support in this area...and the students thank you too!  Together, we can ensure all students get to and from school safely!!!

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