
Friday, November 29, 2013

Parking and Traffic Update

You may have noticed today that the Calgary Police Service was out beside the school issuing speeding tickets.  We hope that it will remind people driving past the school that the speed limit is 30 km per hour between 7:30 am and 5:00 pm.  Please click HERE to access the City of Calgary's webpage on School Zone and Playground Zone FAQs.

To reduce double parking, jaywalking, and overall stress during the morning drop off, Beddington Heights School will be having new "HUG & GO" signs installed on several posts along Bermuda Drive and Bermuda Road in the next few weeks.  These signs will help remind parents there is no parking in these areas between 7:30 and 9:00 on school days.  Parents will have the opportunity to pull in to an open spot, give a quick hug goodbye, and have their child go onto the school grounds so another car can pull in to do the same.  We truly appreciate your cooperation in this matter as we all work together to make sure students are getting to school safely.

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